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Get through the Pokemon hideout in Mahogany Town.

If you can't, go to the lake of rage and talk to the guy with a dragonite.
u have to go to lake of rage, meet lance, go back to mahogany town go to the house with the tree to the right go in Lance is there then beat team rocket and voila u can go to the gym and battle pryce

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Q: How do you battle the 7th gym on heartgold?
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How do you battle blue in Pokemon HeartGold?

to battle Blue in Pokemon Heartgold you must defeat the 7th gym leader, then find him on cinnabar island. Talk to him, then he will go back to his gym for you to fight

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you need to fly to goldenrod city and battle team rocket in the radio tower

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awww by beating the 7th gym

Can you battle the gym leaders again on firered?

No, unfortunately ;_; The only games that you can Re-Battle Gym Leaders on is Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver

How do you get to the 7th gym leader in Pokemon heartgold?

Go to Mahagony Town.

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Battle Chuck 15 times in a row,then go to his gym

How do you battle red's gym in Pokemon HeartGold?

red dont have a gym,but hes deep somewhere in mt.silver.

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To battle Gym Leader Jasmine of the Olivine City Gym, you must have gotten the SecretPotion and healed the Ampharos.

How do you battle the Pokemon trainer named blue in heartgold?

He is the Gym leader in viridian city

How do you battle the grass type gym leader in heartgold?

In the beginning of the game, get cyndaquil, or get a hoothoot.

Is jynx in Pokemon HeartGold?

Yes. I believe it's in the ice cave after the 7th gym.

How do you complete the gym in Pokemon HeartGold cerulean?

You must go and battle Misty. Once you defeat her, she will give you a badge. You have then defeated the gym.