do you mean how do you do the battle factory in emerald do you mean how do you do the battle factory in emerald
you can if you have a gameshark
3 in a row.
the first island in emerald is battle frontier
you dont
You must beat the battle factory 3 times in a row then you can face noland.
There isn't a Battle Factory in Sapphire. Only in Emerald.
After you defeat the Elite Four, You will unlock the battle frontier. The battle factory is at the West side of the battle frontier.
you can if you have a gameshark
you have to win 21 times
3 in a row.
The Battle Factory is located at the Battle Frontier.In order to get to the Battle Frontier you must beat the Elite Four.When you go to the Battle Frontier check your trainer card.Check the Battle Frontier's map and on the bootom-left corner you will see the name Battle Factory.
No, there are different buildings in the Battle Frontier in Pokémon Platinum then there are in Pokémon Emerald. Here is a list of the buildings in the Battle Frontier in Pokémon Platinum: # Battle Factory # Battle Tower # Battle Castle # Battle Roulette # Battle Stage # Battle Shops As you can see, these are different from the buildings in Pokémon Emerald.
no way, except you use cheat
you can only do it in emerald at battle factory PC look it up on youtube I now have 50 shiny rayquazza
sadly enough....there isnt one in ruby or the other one. there is only a battle frointer in EMERALD version (i know it stinks doesnt it) ):( ^-^
At each of the places in Battle Frontier. Defeat the leaders of the places to get a battle symbol. Such as Battle Factory, Battle Dome and the others. Just beat the leaders of each facility and they'll give you a battle symbol.