You have to collect all the enemy blocks, you know what i mean? The blocks that appear when you get rid of an enemie? You have to collect all of the enemy blocks to unlock the galagoogoo
give buttercup to sparrowmint
Q- Tip tip
It does not tip.
Currently you cannot tip the iceberg.
116 cm tip to tip, 5.3 kilos, handgrip diam. 5 cm. and ya im a suprnerd
you must have honey in your garden
give buttercup to sparrowmint
you cant u have to feed a sparromint a buttercup and a dandilion flower
10 flowers of eny kind and about 12 carrots in the gaden
To harvest milk from a Flapyak, as with any other harvestable creature on Viva Pinata: TIP, you need to have them at full Candiosity before sending it to it's relative harvesting structure.
Capture me and go streaking in New Mexico. And be sure to pin the tail on the donkey.
you first have to get two rorioas, the hoghurt eat them to become residents
* It is where the Mousemallows live - they are so small they can fit through the fence, but the Pretztail's can't get them, so their protected. * Actually it is just a starter pinata to help get your garden going the fallowing pinata's are randomly put in the fence. * but if you fence them in they will get mad and sad
Ni it would not be in your garden anymore because it is going to the pinata cannon and in order to get another one you need to mate some more sarsgorrillas.
Sorry I meant " How many Pinatas are in Viva Pinata TIP?"________________________________________________________________________A:There are 60 different piñata species (67 for Pocket Paradise, 88 for Trouble in Paradise), not counting sours or each different species also has three differently-colored for Pocket Paradise) which must be discovered through various means.
There a 60 pinata species in viva pinata the video game (classic) Viva Pinata : Trouble in paradise video game has an extra 28 viva pinata species, Viva Pinata: pocket paradise (ds version) has 67 species
bum your mam