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You need to go to Super Seeds at the Port (members only) and buy the seeds. Plant all three of them in each spot of your garden.

073 *Jeepers the Snuggly Tiger Cub [Beastie] any Love Berries , Red Crazy Daisy, Blue Snap Apple

Check back later to see if you caught Jeepers!

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Q: How do you attract Jeepers on Moshi Monsters?
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What owner has Jeepers the moshling on Moshi Monsters?

There are lots of members on Moshi Monsters who have Jeepers. If they are a paid Moshi Member, you can visit their Moshling Zoo to see if they have Jeepers.

What is the code to catch Jeepers the moshling on moshi monsters?

073 *Jeepers the Snuggly Tiger Cub [Beastie] any Love Berries, Red Crazy Daisy, Blue Snap Apple You have to be a paid Moshi Member to attract Jeepers.

Is jeepers a boy on Moshi Monsters?

Jeepers the moshling is a boy

Is Jeepers the moshling on Moshi Monsters a boy or a girl?

The description for Jeepers on Moshi Monsters does not say if Jeepers is male or female, so you can decide for yourself if you want your Jeepers moshling to be a boy or a girl.

How old is Jeepers the moshling on Moshi Monsters?

Information about the ages of the moshlings on Moshi Monsters is not available. If you have a Jeepers moshling, you could base the age on when you attracted Jeepers to your Moshling Garden.

Can you get jeepers if not member on moshi monsters?

no sorry

Are shi shi and jeepers going out on moshi monsters?

no no no

What is Jeepers off Moshi Monsters?

Jeepers is a tiger Moshling. Jeepers is the Snuggly Tiger Cub in the Beastie set.

What is jeepers rarity rank on moshi monsters?

his rank is 73

Do you need to be a member to get Jeepers on Moshi Monsters?

Yes, you have to be a paid Moshi Member to get Jeepers on Moshi Monsters.073 *Jeepers the Snuggly Tiger Cub [Beasties] any Love Berries, Red Crazy Daisy, Blue Snap AppleJeepers was also hatched from an egg for Twistmas 2012.

What is the yellow tiger called in moshi monsters?

The yellow tiger is Jeepers

How do you get Jeepers the moshling without being a Moshi Member on Moshi Monsters?

You have to be a paid Moshi Member to get Jeepers on Moshi Monsters.073 *Jeepers the Snuggly Tiger Cub [Beasties] any Love Berries, Red Crazy Daisy, Blue Snap Apple