The default Minecraft character/skin does not have an official name, but in a very old blog pst, when Markus "Notch" Persson (Minecraft's original creator and developer) was asked what the character's/skin's name was, he replied "Steve?" Since no players really know what the name of the character/skin is, and they only have this information to back them up, most players name the character/skin Steve.
Google: Minecraft Skin CreatorMake your skinDownloadGo to Minecraft ProfileUpload skin
For Minecraft?
The default character.
A minecraft skin is the look of your Minecraft character. To see your skin, press f5 or e.
Easy. Go download a skin. now go to your .minecraft, bin, minecraft jar file, (you will need winrar or 7-zip) go to mobs and delete the char.png. now replace it with the downloaded skin and rename it char.png. now play the game and it should have worked=D
You can find skins online or make your own using a template, to apply the skin, log into your profile on the Minecraft website, there is an option to upload the skin.
The default Minecraft character/skin does not have an official name, but in a very old blog pst, when Markus "Notch" Persson (Minecraft's original creator and developer) was asked what the character's/skin's name was, he replied "Steve?" Since no players really know what the name of the character/skin is, and they only have this information to back them up, most players name the character/skin Steve.
by going to the minecraft website and clicking on profile, edit character, then download the skin maker
Steve is the original minecraft character and is thwe default skin
A username and password that mojang gives you that allows you to log into minecraft as well as remember a custom skin of the character.
Download a minecraft skin which you can find on skindex or miners need cool then go on and goto profile hit browse and get the image you want. make sure it is the right size for a minecraft skin. then hit upload. an Voila!
Minecraft is genderless. Your character is not officially a girl nor a boy, so just change your skin if you want to look like a girl.
The reason you have a skin at all is so other minecraft players in your world can see you. The reason it is Steve as opposed to a different-looking character is because Notch programmed it that way, and he hasn't told us why.
You can download (or make your own) skins for your Minecraft character. Good websites with skins on include the Skindex and Minecraft Skins. Follow the instructions on those websites to download a skin. Oh, and it's Free!
pocket additon: you cant Computer:choose a skin you like click on it then press upload to minecarft it will take you to minecraft home login if you have not allready press change then go on to minecraft and your skin has been changed!