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go to wild grass and caves and water

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Q: How do you alter a Pokemon?
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Can you use pokesav on Pokemon Pearl to alter a town?

No you can't alter a town. Its just to alter your character and your pokemon.

Can you alter any town in any game of Pokemon such as Ruby sapphire or Emerald with anything?


How do you choose a taco as your starter on Pokemon platinum?

you have to download a Pokemon ROM and download advanced map and get some Pokemon alter stuff go to youtube and type in how to change starter Pokemon on (what ever Pokemon game you have) and do what they say.

What does the action replay do for Pokemon pearl?

The action replay allows you to modify the game/alter/configure.

What Pokemon will honey attract?

It appears to be a random mechanism, that is attracting any Pokemon after 12 real-time hours. You cannot alter the game time to make them appear.

Is there an action replay code to change a Pokemon's type for Pokemon pearl?

Go to download it and you can alter your Diamond Pearl or Platinum game any way you like

How do you alter the Altering Cave in Pokemon?

Here are three answers: * You have to beat the dummies who call themself the league * You use full revive by the Pokemon statue near the entrance * You can't

How do you alter your spirit on Pokemon emerald its amazing?

I dont think you can sorry unless you use a game shark or an action replay

What type of Pokemon does Alter have in Pokemon black?

Alder has a bunch of differnt pokemon types.Like he has electric,fire,bug,and the way if you need me i am at target im wereing a red shirt with blue jeans and will trade you victini for the first person to talk to me.

Were do you get spirit tomb in Pokemon pearl?

You have to talk to 36 people under ground using the explorer kit and then go to Pokemon tower and there will be a little alter south of there and use the odd key stone on it and you'll battle it.

What is agameshard on Pokemon Emerald?

A Gameshark is a cheating device that is very similar to an Action Replay and a CodeBreaker. GameShark will alter the your Pokemon Emerald Game and its items such as giving you 99 MasterBalls and such as things like that, as well as giving you 9999999 PokeDollars.

What is a homophone for the word alter?

"Aultar" is a homophone for the word "alter."