You can use the Low Level Alchemy at magic level 21 using 1 nature rune and 3 fire runes.
Then after you get to magic level 55 you can High Level Alchemy using 1 nature rune and 5 fire runes. Both are for F2P and P2P.
High Alch Yew Long Bows.
If I were you just alch feathers until you get high alch, then you can start alching to make profit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or you can alch steel platebodies.
Level 56 would be good and you can alch adamant platebodies for a profit.
Yes you can make a profit but the better thing would be to high alch magic short bows.
>you can get fletching up in runescape really just take time and money to star off. from lvl 1-10 do arrow shafts 10-20 make short bows 20-30 do long bows 30 until maples do willows maples until 70 then 70-85 do yew long bows and then high alch them 85-99 magic longs can be sold in ge or 70-99 do yew longs and high alch. u should make mills when u are done. good luck on getting 99....
yew longbows
Adamant Platebody
No, you still do lose a bit.
I recommend high alching items like maple longbows (u) or yew longbows because when you alch them they gives you more coins than if you sold them.
To be honest with you, you shouldn't really lo-alch anything since it would be a waste of runes or/and cash spent on those runes, unless you make platebodies steel+ yourself, then low alch them.
I think you can alch it and get profit.
no, have to wait til midnight gmt
No, any item gives the same exp.
It doesn't matter where you alch, just alch anywhere: If you want something to watch whilst you alch: Go Castle wars or a place like that. If you want peace and quiet: Go to a place like Mos' Le Harmless, or the elven place, where not many people have access to. If you want someone to talk to, visit a friend or go to a POH and do your alching.
You cannot alch a Dungeoneering item.
It all depends on what your level in magic is, and if you are casting the high alch or low alch spell. If I were you I'd use a runescape calculator. Here are 2 calculators below I like to use. I hope you find this useful
go to the highest floor in the wizardtower and there is a lesser demon, you can kill... (good place 4 ranging 2 I guess) If you are 21 you can begin with money making for low alch (you'll get alot of loss) low alch till you are 55 and then you just high alch till 99 (you'll gain a bit loss)