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Open notepad and paste the code, then save to your Prefs folder (in the Mario Paint Composer folder). You then have to edit the Song List file. I don't remember exactly what it says, but i always just copy one of the other songs, then replace that song name with my new one, if that makes sense.

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Q: How do you add song codes to Mario paint composer?
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Why won't Mario Paint Composer save?

It will save songs if you hit the Save Song box in the bottom-left-handcorner of the program.

How to save songs on Mario Paint Composer?

Look on the bottom left corner of the tab Mario Paint Composer. There should be a button that say's "Save Song". Click it and your song should be saved! -By: Cool-Catlilly ;D

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Nevermind. I found out I had to edit the song list file.

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How do you use Mario paint composer?

Mario Paint Composer is a music-making program. At the top, you see many icons from (and some not) the Mario games. Click an icon to hear what it sounds like. (ex. the game console makes a beep sound, the car makes a honk (like a car honking) sound) After you choose the one that you like, left click on a section of the staff to put it in place. When you are done with your masterpiece, you can click the "rewind" button found at the bottom right corner of your Mario Paint Composer window. Then you can press the "play" button in the bottom right corner of the window, next to the "stop" button. You can erase by right clicking, or taking the Erase Tool, next to the loop button, next to the play button. You can make sharps and flats, too. For sharps you hold the shift key while placing the note. For flats you hold the Ctrl or Alt key while placing the note. At the top right corner, you can switch from making a song, to combining together songs you made to make with the arranger mode! (like, if you want to repeat a song over and over... that's what you use.) To make it faster or slower, you use the slider at the bottom. And next to the temp changer, you can change it to three-fourths time or four-fourths time. Hope this helped! Happy Composing!!!!!!!!

In Mario paint how do you get the tempo very far up like in the 1000's?

You go to the "Prefs" folder and open your song's .txt file. At the very end of the code there should be %Number of tempo. Just change the number to whatever tempo you want it to be, save it, and it will be that tempo when you open the song next time in Mario Paint.

Who is the composer of the song Gentle breeze from Trauma Center 2 Under the Knife?

Manabu Namiki is the composer of that charming song ^_^

What composer wrote the song I Got Rhythm and what composer was it credited to?

moses hogan

Do you get paid if a composer writes your song?

Yes you do. But a composer gets part of the profits.