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Q: How do you add planes to wings over Europe?
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What is the difference between a bi-plane and mono-plane?

A biplane has two (bi) sets of wings, and a monoplane has one (mono) set of wings. The two sets of wings on a biplane add lift, and also drag, allowing it to fly slower. The one set of wings on a monoplane do not add as much lift or drag, making it faster, and as a result, all the fastest planes are monoplanes, and most planes these days are monoplanes.

Do you write Spain Europe or Europe Spain?

If you must add Europe, which is totally unnecessary as everyone over 5 years old knows where Spain is, then it is Spain, Europe

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What is a number of planes called?

a number of planes is called add me on ps3 and i will tell u swanton_5wag

How do you add two vectors that aren't parallel or perpendicular?

To add two vectors that aren't parallel or perpindicular you resolve both of the planes displacement vectors into "x' and "y" components and then add the components together. (parallelogram technique graphically)AnswerResolve both of the planes displacement vectors into x and y components and then add the components

How do you were wings on animal jam when your not a member?

well there is 2 wings 1 for non-members and there is another 1 for members but they are REALLY rare anyway add me my user is sugar123456 Improved answer: Actually, the rare mech angel wings just came out as a rare monday this week, but i can trade u one. add me cindyli999

Do Angry Birds have wings?

suprisingly no. for some sort the producers didnt add themm on.

How do you get angel wings in the macket place in moshi monster?

It is in the diavalo shop add me roxxi23s

Are chicken wings from baby chickens?

Chicken wings are usually from chickens between 6 and 8 weeks old. They're bred specially to grow quickly, a mix between a male Cornish and a female Plymouth Rock. At that age, they are large enough to harvest. So, technically, the birds that make chicken wings are still chicks, because they're not a year old yet.

Why is Minecraft so slow after downloading the MOD Planes?

The planes take up alot of storage on your server it means alot of the power focuses on the plane. You can add more rom to make it faster.

Fun facts about Europe?

Here are some fun facts about Europe (feel free to add): - Europe is the second smallest continent in the world - Europe is the third most populated continent in the world - Europe is the most densely populated continent - Europe has remained the world's most powerful area for hundreds and hundreds of years - Europe has (practically) taken over the whole world - Europe is the most developed area on the planet - Europe has the largest economy

How do you properly parboil chicken wings before cooking them?

To properly parboil chicken wings before cooking them, bring a pot of water to a boil, add the wings, and simmer for about 10 minutes. This helps to partially cook the wings and remove excess fat before grilling or frying them to finish cooking.