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to add tayuya

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\tayuya.dat

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\sakon.dat

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\jiroubou.dat

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\hunter.dat

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\kyubi.dat

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\sasuke_cs2.dat

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\deidara_bird.dat

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\sand_creature.dat

id has to be 0 and type 0 then chars\name of character.dat

to add ton ton

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\Piggy.dat

to add pein

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\pein.dat

for Toby

id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\tjvcs.dat

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Q: How do you add characters in NTSD 2.2?
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Type bawkboy in the character selection. Hope this helped

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The code is nothing you must to add spirit and data for your chracter

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to get Tobi in NTSD 2.1 one the hint is =xtbt I'm not allowed to say more but in NTS 2.2 the creator is changing it anyway and if you still don't get it go to the file that says " how to add a character" after opening NTSD i bascally just told you how to get Tobi to add Tobi the hint I'm about to give you is =xtbt if you still don't understand go to the file in the game that says "how to add a character" i basically just told you how to get Tobi

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you can´t get madara in ntsd but you can get tobi.

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You can type speedy in the ntsd codetool.

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simple go to the folder for NTSD 2.3 and click on data. Open up the data.txt and scroll down to the bottom of the character codes and type in this id: 0 type: 0 file: chars\speedy.dat and save it. ENJOY

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