You have to go on to the menu and on to the first icon (green). You then need to drag the floor across to the squared area where it says second floor.
More items are unlocked as you play through the game. Items in the shop do vary at times so make sure to keep checking back to see if anything new has been unlocked and is available. Once available you can buy the bigger cages and the ladders and floors for them. Source:
yes there is
keep visiting that cousin. then go to the cage select screen after you visit her a lot. go back in and she should be there!
charge your ds in, go to the two hamsterz that are partners ( put two hamsterz in one cage and click the heart if u don't already have a partnered hamster) leave the ds on for 2 days and 2 nights NOT on sleep mode ;D and make sure that u have a full up water and food and some toys and u will get TONSSS of money $$$$$$ like 100,000 mabey more if you have lots of things the hamster can play with but your hamsterz WILL get sick (u will have to buy pills to make it better ;D) hope this helped ~_~ rosebud9797 ;D
Buy a new cage and go to your hamsterz current cage. Then drag the new cage up to where you see another cage pic. (all stuff currently in cage will be moved to inventory)
You get the second floor by talking to the owner and workers in the chatting section ALOT! And you will gradually unlock the 2 floor cages which will unlock the pannels to put in the second floors
you buy a two story cage it usally has a blue bottom if it dosent show up then you have to wait keep visiting the petshop to see if its in stock
sort of. you don't have a person on hamsterz life 2 so no but yes because if your hamster is in a good mood you can pick your hamster up by clicking on your hamster for 1 second.
You care for hamsters Source:
Information about these games is scarce, but the way I understand it the first game in the series was Hamsterz Life for the Nintendo DS. Then for some strange reason they made the sequel and called it Petz: Hamsterz Life 2 for the Gameboy Advance (which seems like a step backward). Then they decided to make a third game in the series, but they called it Petz: Hamsterz 2, because it was only the second game on the DS. A review of the most recent game can be found here...
Er... You can get babies.
In order to make a 2 story house on Planner 5D, you will need to add a second floor. This can be done in the "Settings" option. Once you access the settings options, click on the link "Add Floor".
More items are unlocked as you play through the game. Items in the shop do vary at times so make sure to keep checking back to see if anything new has been unlocked and is available. Once available you can buy the bigger cages and the ladders and floors for them. Source:
all you do is care for your hamster
yes there is
nope :)