To evolve your Porygon2 into a Porygon Z, you have to trade your Porygon2 to a friend while it is holding a Dubious Disk.
Make porygon2 hold a dubious disk Then trade it in order to evolve
Porygon2 evolves by trading with a Dibious Disc
You have to trade with it holding the dubious disk. This can be done when porygon2 is at any level.
To evolve it into a Porygon2, trade Porygon holding an Up-Grade. To evolve Porygon 2 into Porygon-Z, trade Porygon2 holding a dubious disc
train it
Porygon2 doesn't evolve you need to trade it holding a dubious disk
Porygon2 does not evolve.
You evolve Porygon2 by giving it the Dubious Disc and then trading it to another player's game.
Make porygon2 hold a dubious disk Then trade it in order to evolve
Porygon2 evolves by trading with a Dibious Disc
You can give the Upgrade to Porygon and then trade it to a friend to make Porygon evolve into Porygon2, in order to evolve Porygon2 then give a Dubious Disc to Porygon2 and then trade it to someone and it'll evolve into a Porygon-Z.
Porygon-Z is the final form of Porygon (and Porygon2). To evolve Porygon to Porygon2, trade it while it holds an Up-Grade item. To evolve Porygon2 to Porygon-Z, trade it while it holds a Dubious Disc item.
Porygon2 will evolve into Porygon-Z once you trade it to another player while it's holdig a Dubious Disc.
Use A dubious disc. Give it 2 Porygon 2 and trade then porygon2 will evolve!!!!!:):>
You have to trade with it holding the dubious disk. This can be done when porygon2 is at any level.
To evolve it into a Porygon2, trade Porygon holding an Up-Grade. To evolve Porygon 2 into Porygon-Z, trade Porygon2 holding a dubious disc