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good hand eye coordination and they improve you finger speed

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Q: How do video games effect the human body physically?
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Related questions

What is the overall impression of video games and why is that What effects does video games bring to the brain physically and mentally?

The overall impression of video games is that they're mentally stimulating because of their striking graphics.

How can't violent video games effect the human mind?

it can make humans become violent come on i no that and im only 10

How does video games efect your brain?

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Do video games affect one's knowledge?

In my own opinion they do not because knowledge is something that is known and video games does not effect that but some of them do effect how you think (mainly puzzle and strategy games)

Do video games effect the life of your projection bulb?


What is a video game illustrator?

A video game illustrator is a human being that illustrates video games.

Can you be physically addicted to video games?

You cannot be physically addicted to video games in the same way you can be to substances like drugs or alcohol. However, some people may develop a psychological dependency on gaming that can impact their daily life and mental well-being. It's essential to maintain a balance and seek help if gaming starts to interfere with your responsibilities or relationships.

What part of the brain does playing video games does it effect?

all of it

What is effect of video games on players?

Thw pla5ters will get blind

What is the effect of video games?

it dont got the arrow hello

The negative effect of the video games?

Headaches and trauma when you get older

What are video games designed to do?

They are designed to occupie the human mind