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Q: How do video game makers keep players playing?
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What percentage of video game players are under 18?

In 2005, 5% of video game players were under 18.

Who thinks video makers should make a real life video game?


Are video game makers certified to give medical advice?

no why would they?

I have designed a video game, how do I market it?

There are several online companies that offer video game marketing to independent game makers. One such site is

How much money do Lingerie football players makers?

This year the players will make around $8,000 to $10,000 depending on playing time, game attendance, photoshoots etc. They make more if they attend and WIN the Lingerie Bowl, only with a win.

What is a verb for video games?

im playing a video game playing is the verb

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What kind of video game is Hawken?

Hawken is a video game which allows players to join up with other players and enjoy a multi-player mech combat game. Players can experience an intense battle game with a fast-paced and strategy based gameplay.

How many players can you have in he video game Madagascar 3 for Nintendo Wii?

Two Players

What do video game makers major in college?

They now have majors in, game design, game creation, and game development depending on the college or university.

Can you play 4 players on a 40 gb PS3?

Yes if the PS3 is playing a Video Game that allows for 4 Players. Most games are not designed for 4 players except for multiplayer online play using separate PS3 game consoles each connected to the internet individually.