Pacific Angelshark.Pacific Porbeagle (or just Porbeagle).Pacific Sharpnose.Pacific Sleeper.Paleocarcharias (an ancient shark that lived in the Jurassic era).
GraalOnline Era is owned by the company called Toonslab, it was also formally known by as Eurocenter Games.
Press TAB and then type "unstick me".
err , era , ere
a big event like a massive extinction ends an era.
The famous scientist of the Hellenistic era was Archimedes.
Scientists determine when one era ends by looking at significant geological, climatic, or biological events that mark a distinct change in the earth's history. These events are usually reflected in the rock record or fossil record and help to establish boundaries between different geological eras.
The Hellenistic period begins in 323 with the death of Alexander the Great and ends with the battle of Actio in 31 BC
It was science that named and decided on the era's in the first place, so they determine them by matching what another scientist has said is one era or another. Usually era's are defined by some cataclism.
2500 m
It is often called the "Age of the Mammals"
False. A new decade, century, or millennium, etc. begins on a year that ends in 1, not 0 (unless you follow a Common Era timeline).
The Edge of Night (soap opera) ERA (detergent)
Earrings :D