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Some people happen upon it, sometimes people who aided in the making of the game reveal the cheats or secrets and it is leaked or they talk to a gaming magazine editor (back in the older days).

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cheat codes .com

Where can one find cheat codes for Madden 08?

You can find cheat codes for Madden 08 online at the CheatCC website. You can also find cheat codes for Madden 08 online at the IGN or GameSpot websites.

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i dont know but u can find cheat codes at

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You can find cheat codes for the game Halo on plenty of places online. There's also plenty of cheat books that were sold to show what codes each game has.

Where can someone go to find PS2 cheat codes?

One can find PS2 cheat codes on a variety of websites. It will all depend on what game the cheat codes are for, but they are easily found on CCC website also known as Cheat Code Central.

What Guitar Hero 3 cheat codes are there?

Go to and their you will find all the cheat codes you need.

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There are no cheat codes outside of using a gameshark.

Cheat and codes for games?

Find cheat codes on gamespot. com, the type in your game then there u go

Is there any cheat codes for snowline you can tell me the cheat codes please?

There are no cheat codes, but you can find a walkthrough of the first 8 levels here:

Lego atlantis cheat codes?

put in hobo and the shark will be a hobo(will not work!!) cheat codes will let you beat the shark, you will find the cheat codes with a simple question.

Where to find cheat codes on superbia?

you can usually find cheat codes for superbia on tv if you look carefully (usually on the bottom right corner)

What are some ways that one can find cheat codes for video games?

There are many places on the web where you can find cheat codes for video games. Some of these sites include Cheat CC, Cheat Codes, Games Radar, Super Cheats, and more.