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press f5

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Q: How do make third person in minecraft?
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How in minecraft do you zoom out of third person?

Press F5

Why won't F5 make me go into third person on Minecraft?

If you are playing Minecraft Classic, they don't have 3rd person mode. EDIT: Also, if your computer OS is Windows 7, you cant use F5 or any of the other F keys. Hopefully this will be fixed.

What is f5 in Minecraft?

When you press F5 when playing Minecraft, it cycles through your view of the player. There are three positions. The first and default view is first-person (through the character's eyes; what he sees). Second is third-person (looking down on him from above). The third is second-person (looking at his face)

How do you turn off third person on minecraft in 1.6.1?

This applies on not just Minecraft 1.6.1, but all versions of Minecraft prior to the update of 3rd person. To get off 3rd person, you must press f5. You may then go into a different angle. Press f5 again and you'll be back to 1st person mode.

Can the word we be used in third person writing?

No that would make it first person. Third person uses "they."

How do you turn on and off Minecraft third person view?

f5 goes into 3rd person, f5 again goes into backwards 3rd person, and f5 again goes into 1st person.

How do you make your person dream in Minecraft Pocket Edition?

You dont dream in minecraft you just jump out of bed when you have slept threw night.

Who was the first person to make a Minecraft video on YouTube?

Markus 'Notch' Persson, under the username Nizzotch, was the first person to upload a Minecraft video to Youtube. However, the first Minecraft 'Lets Play' was uploaded by Paulsoaresjr.

How do you zoom out in free Minecraft?

You would need to download mods, or if you mean third person mode, press F5 on your keyboard.

How do I change do you have to third person?

The words, "Do you have..." is the second person, the person spoken to.The third person, the person spoken about would be, "Does he have...", Does she have...", "Does it have...", or "Do theyhave..."

How do you change your view in minecraft 1.7.2 MAC?

the function key 5 (F5) can change your point of view. Hope this helped! :-)

How do you make your person in Minecraft for the Xbox?

You can't you have to choose one or buy one in the new update