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mabye pokemon amie

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Q: How do make Swadloon happy?
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How do you make swadloon happy?

Battle alot and DO NOT LET IT FAINT!

When does seawaddle evolve?

Level 20 it evolves into Swadloon Then When It Is Super Happy It Evolves into Leavanny

What level does swadloon evolve in Pokemon white?

happens when is it happy

What level will sewaddle evolve?

Sewaddle evolves into Swadloon, which evolves into Leavanny.

What level does swadloon evolve in Pokemon black?

Swadloon Evolves by Happiness

What type of Pokemon is Swadloon?

Swadloon is a Grass and Bug type pokemon.

How do you evolve swadloon in Pokemon black white?

Swadloon evolves by happiness.

What stone evolves swadloon?

No stone evolves swadloon. It evolves on level 32

What level does swadloon evolve at in Pokemon white?

swadloon evolves into leavanny when you level it up with high friendship

What is the national pokedex number for Swadloon?

Swadloon is #541 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Grass type Pokemon.

When does sewaddle ecolve Pokemon black?

Sewaddle evolves at level 20 into Swadloon. Swadloon evolves into Leavanny with happiness

When does swadloon evolve in Pokemon white?

it's simple just