to keep inventory you can do /gamerule keepinventory true or /gamerule keepinventory false
/gamemode keepInventory true
you have to do /gamerule keepinventory true or /gamerule keepinventory false
Pressing 'E' will open your inventory.
well there is a mod for that or you can download too many items and there is a botton on the left where you can save your inventory so if you die you will have your stuff by clicking that button
First, you must turn cheats on in your world. Then, you do the command /gamerule keepinventory true.
/gamemode keepInventory true
you have to do /gamerule keepinventory true or /gamerule keepinventory false
Pressing 'E' will open your inventory.
well there is a mod for that or you can download too many items and there is a botton on the left where you can save your inventory so if you die you will have your stuff by clicking that button
First, you must turn cheats on in your world. Then, you do the command /gamerule keepinventory true.
Press E
You don't have an intrevory in minecraft, but we do have an inventory.
press e to access your inventory, then drag your items for the lower bar to your inventory
Tap the 3 dots next to where it shows your inventory.
do /clear inventory or just /clear
Inv Edit basically allows you to spawn in items from your inventory.