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You don't. That was from a holiday event, several years ago; no new party hats are made.

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Q: How do i make a phat on RuneScape?
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How much money does baby phat make a year?

980 Billion Dollars Check Baby Phat on Wikipedia.

Wear can you get a phat on runescape?

You can buy it from the Grand Exchange, or from other players. Please note that they are quite expensive. You can NOT make it or find it anywhere; partyhats are from a seasonal event a few years ago, and no new partyhats will come into the game.

How can you make a watch on RuneScape?

You can't make watches in Runescape.

How do you make a server on RuneScape?

You cannot make a server on runescape!

How you make party hats on RuneScape?

No, you cannot make partyhats in RuneScape.

What is this runescape video which was on YouTube and is a parody of my heart will go on from titanic it was about a phat that some guy couldn't afford?

This video may have been removed, if you can't find something - search for it.

What is phat girls?

Phat means cool.

Where can one make a RuneScape account?

One can make a Runescape account by logging into the official website of Runescape. One has to provide age, email address and password in order to make a Runescape account.

When is lil phat furneral?

Lil phat furneral

How much money does Baby Phat make?

980 billion per year

How do you make phat pants?

well my best awnser is enlightened libra creations...

How do you make RuneScape your Homepage on AOL?

You can not make Runescape your homepage on AOL. I have a couple of friends and some relatives who play Runescape and can not make it their home page on AOL.