Yes the Xbox version of the game works on 360 but it must be the original copy. Just know that any mods you can add for the game on Xbox dont work on 360.
No, it is confirmed that there will be no Minecraft mods for Xbox. It was announced at PAX East that there would be no mods for Minecraft.
Unfortunately no, you cannot. Mods are only available for the PC version (and Pocket Edition if you really try to mod it). The closest thing to a mod in the XBOX 360 version would be the resource packs available for download.
there are no mods for minecraft on xbox
Some Xbox game do work, and some dont.
Yes the Xbox version of the game works on 360 but it must be the original copy. Just know that any mods you can add for the game on Xbox dont work on 360.
You can get your mods working on MW3 by uninstalling and reinstalling the game.
No, it is confirmed that there will be no Minecraft mods for Xbox. It was announced at PAX East that there would be no mods for Minecraft.
you possible can not mod an xbox game unless you put it in your PC and have the correct stuff to juke it up
Yes you can do iso mods on any xbox360 console including the newest slim
no you do not have to
There are none, the Xbox 360 edition does not yet contain any mods.
No. Mods are strictly against Microsoft's Terms Of Service and by using them you violate the agreement that you accept when you install the game.
No, an Xbox 360 game will not run on an original Xbox.
No, left 4 dead will only work for left 4 dead mods.
you can not mod any game on the Xbox 360 without it being illegal. You can download addons for the game which can be a sort of mod.