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hover over battle trainers then click battle trainers and click on the gym leader you would like to battl P.S :this will only work after the admins update the system because there are only temporary trainers.

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Q: How do i challange gym leaders in Pokemon crater -battle arena?
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Related questions

Where are gym leaders on Pokemon crater?

Log in and go to battle trainers then trainers will come up go down and you will see gym leaders

How do you get a Pokemon on Pokemon crater?

you use pokeballs... when you start you have 10 you can battle gym leaders to get money and buy more pokeballs

What is the name of the new Pokemon crater?

Pokemon crater-battle area{beta 0.1}

In Pokemon crater how do you get badges?

You just beat the gym leaders!

What it the mission to get the battle Arena Competitions in Pokemon crater?

Pokemon crater is gone! It went out of bissnuss years ago!

What is a good Pokemon RPG?

Pokemon TPPC Pokemon Indigo Pokemon Crater/Battle Arena Pokemon Moon A good Pokemon rpg might be Pokemon Indigo or Pokemon Crater. But Pokemon Crater has been shut down.

How do you evolve Pokemon in Pokemon crater battle arena?

You dont you have to catch them

What is the website address for Pokemon crater battle arena?

type in "pokemon crater" on google search and click the first link.

How do explore in Pokemon crater battle arena?


Where is the Pokemon crater battle arena 7?

The person who created this game (Pokemon crater) has now stopped it. there is another game like Pokemon crater.go

How come I can't get on pokermoncrater?

Unfortunately, Pokemon Crater no longer exists. But there are new websites like Pokemon Crater called Pokemon Indigo and Pokemon Battle Arena.

Where to get Dialga in Pokemon crater battle arena?

You can get dialga in cluod map