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you need to see al the Pokemon of sinnoh. then the guy desapear

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Q: How do get pass those two guys blocking route 225 in Pokemon platinum?
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Where can you find a trainer with a sudowoodo on Pokemon platinum?

The Sudowoodo blocking the way on Route 36 will attack if you sprinkle it with water from the Squirtle watering can, obtained after you battle Whitney. It will respawn when you battle the Elite Four.

In what citi is elite four in pokemon platinum?

They aren't in any city. They are in the Pokemon league, after route 223. but you'll need those 8 badges and waterfall to reach the Pokemon league. Good luck!

How do you get at Route 230 in Pokemon Platinum?

All you got to do is go to fight area and go to the right where those guys were at then use hm surf and there you are!I hope that helped!

Where to see a wormadon in Pokemon platinum?

Go to route 214,then go down where all of those other trainers are.Look for the beauty girl that's close to the physic guy.

How do you get past those two guys who are blocking a path at the fight area platinum?

obtain national pokedex

How do you get pass those two peopole blocking marvelous bridge on route 16 in Pokemon white?

You have to catch Reshiram or Zekrom [depending on the version] beat N and Ghetsis and it will be open, but to do this you have to beat the Elite Four.

When you migrate Pokemon from your gba game to Pokemon Platinum do you still have those same Pokemon in your gba game?


On Pokemon Platinum how do you migrate Pokemon from Pokemon Silver and Blue versions?

On Pokemon platinum, you cannot move or migrate Pokemon from Pokemon silver or Pokemon blue version. It can only be done from the Gameboy advanced games. Those are Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald version.

Where do you get a murkrow in Pokemon Platinum?

Murkrow - available only in Pokemon diamond Midreavus - available only in Pokemon pearl Glameow - available only in Pokemon Pearl Stunky - available only in Pokemon Diamond About Platinum? Those 4 are not available in platinum :/// Trade it over or cheats -PokeHelpThatsMe

Pokemon Platinum can you catch kyogre and Groudon in Pokemon Platinum?

you can using cheats,trade or using pal park but without 1 of those 3 u cant

Where do you find a Combee in Pokemon Platinum?

Use honey on those golden trees

What certain Pokemon do you need to have to beat the elite four on Pokemon platinum?

Pokemon that are at least lv 45 Those that have type advantages are great