Light the torches with your match. Pull the chains from right to left then back to the right. The door will defrost and you can open it. See related link for screenshots.
Left at 11 Right at 7
You have to solve the puzzle for each level to get the elevator doors to open and ascend to the next level. See the related questions area for links to the solution to each level.
To complete stage #24, place both wind-up Miis behind the arrow.
To level up, you should complete some of the puzzles at Puzzle Palace.
Lintel level is the top of window and doors level of a building.
To complete it u do it
Put in 21 top row and 13 in the bottom row. See related link for screenshots.
Pull all the doors down and get the rest from some were else
Snif the air with your nose
Snif the air with your nose
Left at 11 Right at 7
Align everything
Left at 11 Right at 7
look at it side ways
easy trololol
Press 45683968. See related link for screenshots.
Check the related link for a video guide on how to complete the 6th level on 100 floors.