Press the guide button then got to "Marketplace" and press "Redeem Code" type it in and press start. Done
Why yes they can if the game glitches somehow... Or they use there MLG LEGITZZZ Powers to use them.
if you mean online credits in reach, it means the credits you can use for buying spartan armor parts to customize your look. you do not gain or use real money in the games.
You put in your Halo 3:ODST campaign disk and go to play the BETA and download it.
A Spartan or Elite can do this. All you need is to have the Evade armor ability. Once you have this, just push the button that allows you to use it. I believe its the right bumper. I wouldn't know, because I use Bumper Jumper. Just like that, you can roll!
No. You have to use your Xbox 360 I think.
you have to use the 'evade' armor ability
yes and no?
red and orange
If you have an Xbox Live account, but simply choose not to sign in often then you can still use the armor codes to download the skins, and you can use the armor in custom games, but not in the single-player mode. If you do not have Xbox Live, then unfortunately the only way to get the armor would be by creating an Xbox Live account (it could be a free trial or a full account) and downloading the armor from there.
You can't, but if you have internet and a free gold membership trial,you can use the trial to get the recon armor, it does work for Halo Reach too.
Why yes they can if the game glitches somehow... Or they use there MLG LEGITZZZ Powers to use them.
You can either find an armor lock item on the ground in campaign, or start with one in some multiplayer modes. Acquire it, then push and hold the armor ability button (default to LB).
yes, you play as mater chief in every game. expect halo :reach, in reach u play as Nobel 6 and the armor that u use for multilayer can be used for campaign
In halo reach,You can not use cheat codes.nor in any halo game
yes ,because halo reach is the last halo game,therefore,it would have to be used