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Q: How do I start a kennel club Can anyone give me the steps of starting a kennel club My cousin wants to do this but I have no idea what to tell him Only serious answers please?
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Can a cousin be a godparent?

Yes. Anyone can be.

Your cousin was acussed of manslaughter of a baby boy?

i highly doubt that it had to be YOUR COUSIN or that ANYONE DID THAT

Can a cousin claim a cousin as his dependent?

Yes you can claim anyone as a dependent if there living under your roof.

Is your first cousin twice removed still your cousin?

Certainly. Why would anyone think otherwise?

How do you flirt with your Muslim cousin?

You would flirt with your cousin just the way you would flirt with anyone else.

Should you steal from your cousin?

No, you should not steal from anyone.

Is it okay to date your third cousin?

You can date anyone you want, whether third cousin or first cousin. Going beyond simply dating may raise issues with a first cousin, but not with a third cousin.

Can you go out with your first cousin?

You can go out with anyone who will go out with you. You can marry your first cousin in Maine if you have had genetic counseling.

Can you date your fourth cousin in the family tree?

Yes, you can date anyone whether fourth cousin, twentieth cousin, or first cousin. Dating is going out and having a good time.

Can you date your step cousin?

Of course you can. Anyone can date anyone else who is willing. In addition, your so-called "step cousin" shares no ancestors with you and so is not related to you at all.

What is a son's relationship to a mother's cousin's grandson?

The child of your parent's first cousin is your second cousin. The grandchild of your parent's first cousin in the child of your second cousin and thus your second cousin, once removed.If you are starting with your parent's second cousin, then the grandchild is your third cousin, once removed.

When a First Cousin Dies without a Will?

When a first cousin, or anyone else, dies without a will, state law determined who inherits.