the answer is at the pet store on the puffles house but im not going to give away to much
You would have to find a unbroken ski and a peice of rope!
make sure you pick up the suvible guide. put the suvible guide in the fire
there is a cheat for gs balls by action replay but you don't get many you see the gs ball on the Pokemon that you got by event and that is a gs ball
on the moshi monster misson
There is no GS ball.
the word is mogle
To help you out the secret code for gs secret mission is the word mogul. Have Fun!
get the pot and fill it
you have to use the code to figure it out its different everytime
you do all the misson
get a life hobo
you don't get sticks you have to get the O's from the o tree and feed them to the animal and that's how u get fire
You would have to find a unbroken ski and a peice of rope!