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I would give the history of video gaming as starting in the 1950s-1960s, but my generalized dates may not be fully accurate. This is from memory and personal experience.

1950s-1960s -- Using lights and images similar to what was used in carnivals, games consisted of large heavy coin-operated machines. These were made of highly polished, waxed wood with large garish pictures, lights using tiny light bulbs, sounds and were most like pinball machines. One example was a Bowling puck machine. These were often found in bars.

1970s-1980s -- Pinball machines were found throughout towns, in bars, clubs, bus stations, and even in some laundromats. They were large rectangular machines made of plywood (painted with images), lights, sounds, and glass tops. But lights were now electronically controlled. By the early 1980s or earlier, alongside pinball machines, one to a few horizontal video game machines appeared. These machines were at least 6 feet tall, with a squat wide base where the coin slot and coin return were located on the front. At waist level was a flat section, with joystick or buttons, and above, a video screen. When you dropped in coins, the video game began. One quarter gave 3 game plays. These, at the time, were very electronically sophisticated. Pac-Man is one example.

Mid-1980s -- Small home consoles came. For example, the first Nintendo. The unit was nearly the size of a cable TV box. Two hand-held controllers (button or joystick) connected to the box, which was connected to the television. Display used the electronics in the TV.

From there, Video Games (the equipment to display them) became smaller and smaller.

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