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umm i suppose you could change your name legally...i dont know about on an "animal crossing world" though.
Yes, You can change your hair on animal crossing wild world. You need to have the biggest and last Nook's store though. It is called Nookingtons. It will cost 3000 bells to change your hair and you can only change it once a day.
well, that depends, do you have the privlage of changing your note? if not, then have an officer who can, change it.
Shut up you idiot!
How to Change the World was created in 2007.
how did john cabot change the world
I believe that Robot technology will change the world.
how do people want to change the world?
He didn't change the world.
She was bored so she decidedto change the world.
how did john cabot change the world
I honestly don't know how he change the world then
Change the world
People change the world; objects, unless they are destructive, aren't known for changing the world.
what did queen Elizabeth the 2nd do to change the world
It changed the history of art. It did not change the world.