They can't teach in the game but if you have seen the tv shows they will teach
It is on Mossdeep City. There are Twin Gym leaders
You have to beat the gym leaders to get the badges. The first one is in Pewter City, the second in Cerulean City, then Vermillion City, then Celadon City, then Sapphron City, then Fuscia City, then Cinnabar Island, then Viridian City.
win the gym leaders (you can find the gym at Canalave City, Oreburgh City, Hearthome City, Eterna City, Pastoria City, Veilstone City, Snowpoint City and Sunyshore City) and you'll get 1 badge for every gym leader you'll beat
you catch raikou on the last gym leader in the kanto leaders and you catch uxie in vermillion city from
Oreburgh City- Roark (Rock) Eterna City- Gardenia (Grass) Veilstone City- Maylene (Fighting) Pastoria City- Crasher Wake (Water) Hearthome- Fantina (Ghost) Canalave- Byron (Steel) Snowpoint- Candice (Ice) Sunyshore- Volknore (Electric)
Jainism is originated from Hinduism. But their teachings are quite different.
They were very mad and wanted to stop martin luthers teachings
The State Leaders of the city of Worms (Germany) commanded Martin Luther to take back his teachings. He refused, even though he could loose his life.
The State Leaders of the city of Worms (Germany) commanded Martin Luther to take back his teachings. He refused, even though he could loose his life.
they went against the church teachings and authority
Mostly because He refused to accept the teachings of the oral law.
They are called epistles
The leaders name is Fantina
Leaders in Athens were threatened by Socrates' teachings because he encouraged critical thinking, questioned traditional beliefs, and challenged the authority of political leaders. His influence was seen as potentially destabilizing to the existing power structures in Athens. Additionally, his method of questioning and challenging others made him unpopular among some influential figures in the city.
Initially they were not very supportive, but that changed after the leaders were executed.
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