well goku knows that so vegito has goku inside of him=99 and vegeta 1 goku knows that so vegito also kmows
how to go gotenks ss3
Yes, you must have at least 3 blast stocks and the right characters (i.e. Goten and Trunks) Then you press L2 L3(Left Analog stick) R3(Right Analog stick) Gotenks = 3 Blast Stocks Super Gotenks = 4 Blast Stocks Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks = 5 Blast Stocks Super Gogeta = 5 Blast Stocks
A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack.
You do the titan firestorm attack by sacrificing both the winged dragon of ra and slifer the sky dragon.
In terms of attack, yes, "Obelisk the Tormentor" and "The Winged Dragon of Ra" (if it has enough attack) can beat "Stardust Dragon".However, if you are referring to the destruction effects of "Obelisk" and "Ra", then "Stardust Dragon" does "beat" them since it can negate their abilities and destroy them.
how to go gotenks ss3
The character Gotenks is in the Japanese anime Dragon Ball Z. Gotenks is a fusion of the characters Goten and Trunks and not a separate, unique character.
Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Gotenks Is Born 6-14 was released on: USA: 8 October 2002
Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Gotenks Is Awesome 7-8 was released on: USA: 24 October 2002
English: Ultra Assault Buu Buu Volley Ball Japanese: Geki Totsu Arutoru Buu Buu Bareboru This attack is similar to Majin Buu's 'Turn into Candy' attack. Gotenks uses all of his uncanny energy to turn his opponent into a volley ball in which he plays with, kicking it around and when he turns back, the opponent is injured badly from the powerful kicks. As you can apparently see, this attack makes it easier for Gotenks to attack his opponent, since they can't defend themselves from it while they are morphed. Attack is projectile type. English: Ultra Missile Punch Japanese: Urutora Misairu Sentou It's a stupid attack with one of the most foolish names. It is basically an imitation of one of Hercule's attacks that he names so it sounds good and painful. In Dragon Ball Z, Gotenks used this against Fat Majin Buu, but the pink blob easily blocked and began to pummel the level 1 fusion warrior into the ground. Attack is melee type. English: Wild Boar Attack Japanese: Mikon 'Boar/Bear' Batsu Another foolish attack from level 1 Gotenks. As the name states, he charges at his opponent with a wild bear's movements and headbuts his opponent in the stomach. Attack is melee type. English: Super Saiyan Japanese: Su-pa- 'Saiyan' Gotenks transforms into a Super Saiyan with both Goten and Trunks' combined Super Saiyan powers. His moves get better and even the crazy moves he makes up are killer attacks. Attack is 'ki'/energy type. English: Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack Japanese: Su-pa- Konpaku Kamikaze Batsu Gotenks summons a tank of energy into his mouth and blows out ghosts of himself to attack his opponent. The opponent, however, sees a flaw in this and just punches the ghost as the fused Buu did. The opponent was incorrect as the ghosts explode and inflict 100% of damage on the opponent, since this was a surprise attack. Ki based attack. English: Super Saiyan 3 Japanese: Su-pa- 'Saiyan' Mittsu Gotenks transforms a second time, although skipping Super Saiyan 2 and undergoing Super Saiyan 3. This happened, probably because Gotenks was too lazy to transform into Super Saiyan 2 or he was too cocky and wanted to show his opponent Buu he possessed endless ki. Super Saiyan 3 is the most powerful transformation in Dragon Ball Z, as in this state, Gotenks was able to perform Ultra Assault Buu Buu Volley Ball. Ki based move. English: Turtle Destructive Wave Japanese: Kame-hame-ha Goten can perform this, so Gotenks is able to. Though, he doesn't use this very often, because he is too focused on his other attacks. Gotenks summons a space into his hands, an orb space, and then aims it at his opponent. Since he is the ultimate warrior, Gotenks can power the Kamehameha up and use it as a killer move. Ki-based move. English: Finish Blast Japanese: Shiagari Bakufuu Trunks can do this. This is yet another technique Gotenks wastes his time on. This is a super-powered move that boosted past its limit the moment Goten and Trunks fused and transformed into Super Saiyan. Trunks puts his hands back in a position where he forms a ball in his hands and suddenly aims it at his opponent. The blast is yellow. Ki-based move. English: Burning Attack Japanese: Nenshou Batsu Only in the final movie of Dragon Ball Z 'Wrath of the Dragon', does Trunks receive a sword and eventually learns how to do this or learned this even before the movie. Trunks moves his hands swiftly in signs, burning his hands up. Then he summons energy into his hands and aims it at his opponent, yelling "Burning Attack" and the blast burns the opponent up. Ki-based move. Also in the Cell Games Saga, Teen/Future Trunks aims his Burning Attack under his opponent as a surprise attack. This is how Teen/Future Trunks managed to save the world by acting as Teen Gohan's shadow and destroying Cell in the future. Gotenks is able to do this in Dragon Ball GT (Grand Tour) but Goku in Super Saiyan 4 form prevents him from doing so. Those are all of Gotenks' moves. Feel free to post another question about Naruto or Dragon Ball Z. I'll answer surely, or if I don't someone else will. your wong you for get gotenks ring attack he use on buu
Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Super Moves of Gotenks 7-5 was released on: USA: 21 October 2002
gotenks is trunks and goten fused. goten is goku's and chi chi's second son. trunks is bulma and vegeta's son
NO. goten and trunks are separated for most of the series.
Cell,Frieza and Evil Buu (super buu)Goku(normal),Picoolo and Vegeta(normal)Goku(Super),Gohan(Teen),Gotenks(Super Saiyan 3)Vegeta(Super),Trunks(Super) and Gotenks(Super Saiyan 3)
Gotenks is born in season 9
Vegito, Super Gogeta, and Gotenks
yes you can, because goten and trunks fused and became gotenks