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Real live: SEGA made Sonic blue to match their logo. I looked it up somewhere a long time ago. That's the real reason why he is blue. There really is no story behind it. He was always blue. or there is the Japanese one where he was running so fast on a treadmill...etc. look it up. Something called the cobalt effect.

USA: He was born blue, as far as the American Sonic the Hedgehog goes.

STC/UK: Sonic was testing kintobor's uper speed trainer on a treadmill. kintobor went to fetch him something to eat but could only find a rotten egg. as he was bringing it back, he tripped on a cable and the egg went into the machine, which exploded. in the resulting explosion, sonic was turned blue, his spikes became less, and he was kind of enfused with the sneakers, giving him his super speed. when kintobor came to, his nametag had been flipped round to spell robotnik and he had become one with the egg, becoming dr. robotnik.

Fan: It is said he turned blue because he never hibernated and his skin became cold, but that is just fan garble.

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