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You place a block by right clicking on a spot while holding the block you want to place.

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Q: How d you place a block in minecraft?
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How do you place a block in Minecraft PC?

To place a block in Minecraft, just right click. Hold down left click to break it.

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That's easy! You right click on where you want to place it.

How do you place blocks on Minecraft computer?

To place a block on the PC edition of Minecraft, simply right-click on the top, bottom, or sides of another block in which you'd like to place the block you're holding on.

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you right click on a block

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You right click where you want to place the block

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Right click while holding a block.

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Classic: Place another block in its place then delete that block. Premium: Same as Classic. Or use a bucket to scoop it out.

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It cannot be "made" unless you destroy a block, creating air in its place. Otherwise, it is just another term for the lack of a block in the minecraft world.

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you place a lava block down and die

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What bottons do you use to build a block on minecraft?

By that i guess you mean place a block in which it is, RMB (Right Mouse Button). Ryan