Answer the survey at pokemart "Link Together With All". Reset and it will be at the game menu (wireless adapter needed to acess.)
To unlock the Mystery Gift option, you go to the TV station in Jubilife City and you head to the 3rd floor. Talk to the male producer at the south of the screen and tell him these words: "Everyone Happy" and "Wi-Fi Connection." Save the game and you're ready to receive Mystery Gifts whenever Nintendo decides to activate them.
It serves one purpose and that is to unlock the Cinnibar Island gym.
The code is "Link Together With All" After that you will win a mystery gift. you need to attend a Pokemon convention to open it though, or obtain it via Wi-Fi if you have a DS.
You must unlock the mystery gift. To unlock the mystery you must go to Jubilife City and talk to a reporter in the 2nd or 3rd floor of it. Answer "Everyone happy" then he will ask another question and answer "Wi-Fi Connection." however this will not unlock the green man. In order to unlock him you must have WFC. You must unlock the mystery gift. To unlock the mystery you must go to Jubilife City and talk to a reporter in the 2nd or 3rd floor of it. Answer "Everyone happy" then he will ask another question and answer "Wi-Fi Connection." however this will not unlock the green man. In order to unlock him you must have WFC.
find the guy with the red hat in the woods and challenge him 2 a duel if you win you unlock an ultimate Pokemon then you move on in the game. (vid part 1)
It's on navel rock, you have to unlock the mystery gift to go to navel rock.
In order to use mystery gift you first need to unlock it, second you need a wireless adapter, third you need to go to a Nintendo event that is giving out a Pokemon that can go to firered or leafgreen bring your GBA and wireless adapter to the event and access mystery gift at the event you can receive the special Pokemon now.
location of Marshbadge pokemon fire Red
give ruby to cello
I think with cut!!!
You have to win the champion
You have to beat the 2nd gym.
you have to use action replay or to get alot of Pokemon migrate from a firered and use action replay on firered to get all Pokemon except the one from diamond
The basement.
Yes you can. But only after you unlock all the ilands on fire red.
To unlock the Mystery Gift option, you go to the TV station in Jubilife City and you head to the 3rd floor. Talk to the male producer at the south of the screen and tell him these words: "Everyone Happy" and "Wi-Fi Connection." Save the game and you're ready to receive Mystery Gifts whenever Nintendo decides to activate them.
All of the original Pokemon from red and blue and once you beat the elite four you unlock the Pokemon gold Pokemon.