First, You have to beat the Elite Four. After that, you have to go into a cave underwater and open up the Regi caves by having a Wailord and Relicanth in your party, one first and one last (can't remember which). Then the caves will be open. Catch your Regiis and teach Registeel Areal Ace because absolutely no one will know why he can learn it
i only know where all 3 of them are Regirock is in that desert behind the the resort area , and regice is in mt. cornet right where you get in from spear pillar,and registeel is where you come after you beat iron island
No, legendary Pokemon only appear once. If you defeated Registeel, then he's gone from the game for good. Hopefully, you saved before you battled him.
You catch them on pokemon sapphire. Do the following to get the regis: 1) Get a wailord and relicanth and put them in the back of your party (sorry, I forgot what the order was). 2) Get the hm of dive. 3) Go to Pacifilog and keep going west until you get to a small dive spot. Use dive here. If you get to another town (sorry, I can't remember the name of it) you will have to fly back to Pacifilog and keep going until you find the dive spot. 4) Go down to the bottom rock, read the braille and dive up. 5) Go up and read the braille. I think this is where you use dig. 6) Progress up and read the braille. This is where your wailord and relicanth come in the picture. You will then hear 3 loud cracks. THEN: Regirock- You find regirock in a cave in the desert. Go inside, read the braille and do what it says. (Search online for a braille chart if you have to). Regiice- I'm really sorry but i don't know exactly where regiice's cave is, but i know that it is somewhere near dewford. When you find the cave go inside, read the braille and do what it says. Registeel- You will find registeel in a cave on the route past toe town with the flying gym. Enter the cave, read the braille and do what it says. After catching all the regis, you can transfer them onto pokemon diamond, pearl or platinum and use them to get a regigigas. Good luck and i'm sorry if i was unclear in any way
Although Iron Ore blocks are not the rarest they still are hard to find in broad day light. They are usually found in caves and caverns. Just make sure you light up your surroundings well. If you don't a mob might come and attack you.
Okay, first of all you need a Wailord (Lv. 40 evolution of Wailmer), and a Relicanth. Relicanth can be found underwater in the grass around the cave where Sootopolis City is. This will take a while, but i guarantee you will find one. Wailmer can be found either by surfing or, usually, by fishing. When you fish, use a Good Rod or a Super Rod. Trust me, it works. Also, make sure one of your Pokemon knows "Dig, Surf, and Dive." After you're all set with that, go to Pacifidilog Town. Go ALL the way to the left and surf. Stick to near the bottom until you pass two islands. The third one is tricky. You go to about the middle on the right side. Now, surf again. You SHOULD end up at a dark spot where you can use "Dive." If done incorrectly, you will end up in Slateport City. Go under water and head down. Go up when you see the braille (The dots on a big rock). You have entered the Seafloor Cavern. Now keep walking forward until you come to the other side. There should be more braille(the dots). Now you use "Dig" and the door will open to the next room. Go all the way to the other side again and the braille will actually read, "FIRST COMES WAILORD LAST COMES RELICANTH." Now this is very simple. Put Wailord first in your party and Relicanth last. The next door should open up. Now three new caves have appeared all over Hoenn where Registeel, Regirock, and Regice are now. Registeel is on Route 120 in the Ancient, Regirock is on Route 111 in the Desert Ruins, and Regice is on Route 105 in the Island Cave.To get Regice, go to Dewford town then surf like you are going to petlburg until you see the small island. Go on the island. It divides up the water. Go to the left side and surf up. You will enter the cave. Go read the sign. Then starting from left, walk all around the cave's edges and only the edges. Then it will open. There will be a level 40 Regice. It's moves are curse, superpower, ice wind and charge-beam or ancient power. The last 2 moves depends on what level your wailord and relicanth are. Keep on using ultra balls. Have over 25 ultra balls, 15 great balls and 15 timer balls. Only use the timer balls after it has been 20 turns or more. Do not give it a nickname because if you want to migrate to pearl or diamond you must have regice, regirock and registeel, if your going to get reggigigas. They have to have there original names or they will not be considered regirock, regice or registeel.To get registeel in emerald, go to the center of the cave and use flash and the second cave to open registeel. To get regirock, go straight to the middle of the of the braille wall click on it and then go left, left, down, down, and then use rock-smash and the second cave to regirock will open. (Do not do the same for ruby and sapphire they are different.) and for regice sometimes u need to go around twice but on the inside of the cave.You can find it only once in the Island Cave, in Route 105. Hope I helped :)Okay this is gonna take a while. Go to the bottom bridge parts of Pacifidlog Town and continue left. Then follow the currents to a fisherman. Then go north and use surf and continue left but go on the left side other wise you have to start over. now then you reach a calm spot so now go south under the rocks and continue south to the currents. (Remember don't go on the 2nd way down Go on the first way down) So then cross it and you'll end up on a small white path of land go two down then continue west to get to the calm spot. Then go underwater and go through the opening to the underwater surface then go south and look at the writing and use dive. now go north and read the Braille (I can read Braille and it says Dig here) So remember to dig here by getting dig from the fossil maniac's house. Now go north then the 3 cave doors won't open unless you have the Pokemon Relicanth which can be rarely found near sootopolis underwater and Wailmer which can be found in the ocean with a super rod. Put Relicanth first in line and then put Wailord (evolve Wailmer) last in line, an earthquake will happen and the doors will open.Assuming you've already unlocked it, just try to capture it as you would any other Pokemon. I recommend freezing, paralyzing, or putting Regice to sleep. Make Regice's HP as low as possible and start throwing Ultra Balls at it.
get regiice regirock registeel in your party talk to the statue then it will come alive
catch regiice registeel and regirock in ruby or Sapphire then migrate them and go to snow point temple and talk to the statue in the basement it will come to life if you have the other regis in your party its a level 70 be prepared
first you have to beat the elite four, then all you have to do is go there, try to walk in, and then some chick will come and say to let you in, then you are able to walk in. After that you can walk in and search it, then you will find the statue and it will tell you to get regirock, regiice, and registeel good luck wait no you just walk out dude
Registeel,Regice,and Regirock are all Pokemon your required to migrate from their respective game(s).
Go to pacifidlog town and surf to your left you will come up on a dive spot dive and go to the braille writing and use dig three doors should open regiice is in route 105 inside island cave regirock route 111 in desert ruins registeel route 120 inside ancient tomb
if you mean the statue of regigigas in snowpoint temple won't come to life, you need regirock, regice and registeel in your party
come and see
After you find Regice, Regirock, and Registeel, migrated, add them to your party the last but DEFENETLY NOT LEAST go to where Regigagas is and he will fight you after feeling the power of the three Regis.
well in pearl or diamond and platinum you go to snowpoint city and at the last floor you find a statue of him and it does not let you battle you have to get regirock registeel and regice when you come back with all three the master will appear
there are a few legendary Pokemon in sapphire; the Pokemon are kyogre, rayquaza, latios, regirock, registeel, and regice
you get regigigas on diamond and pearl by trading regirock, registeel, and regice from emerald after beating the league then going into the ruin things at snowpoint city, and then finding the statue of regigigas and it should come to life and then you fight him lv1.
i only know where all 3 of them are Regirock is in that desert behind the the resort area , and regice is in mt. cornet right where you get in from spear pillar,and registeel is where you come after you beat iron island