What is wrong with it? Maybe you should be more specific. If you don't know what happened to it, just take it to best buy, or nerd squad, or some place like that to get it fixed- they never fail. (at least for me they don't)
No it is not a PS2 game so it will not work on the PS2
No the ps2 microphones will not work on the ps3
It is a blu ray disc and no it does not work in a PS2
You might want to take it somwhere to be cleaned. I have the same problem but i am saving my money for a car and on vacation. onl;y a few of my games work. but it is better than none. maybe 10 of my 40 ps2 games work.... but i have one of the original in like 2003 or 2004.i hope i get a slim or something....
no it wont.
it wont come!
it wont who still has a ps2 upgrade losers :O
no the disc wont work
Sounds like it is broken
it wont, sorry.
Yes it is ,,,, on Ps3 not on ps2 and ps1 but soon it will come in ps2 .. it is also in xbox 360 but i got the newz it wont come on xbox live
no. because the graphics on the ps2 games are more advanced than the ps1 so the game wont work optimally
because it was made only for ps2.
No it wont graphicly it just cannot handle it. But there are rumors of San ANdreas Stories for PS2.
Often the game disc is scratched and damaged
Check the batteries to see if they are full of power.