The poke walker can't hold much data so per area, (Beautiful beach, Noisy Forest ect.) you will see at least three Pokemon
You can get more watts on the pokewalker by putting it in a big truck and just keep moving it. Tape it on it.
try again
You can find a Slakoth in the Petalburg woods. Keep in mind that they are very rare. There is only a 5% chance of finding them.
it is held by Abra you have to keep cathing it and it might hold it it has a low chance of finding one
Unfortunatly not. Pokemon Inc. has to keep on moving with new characters. If you ever have any questions about Pokemon you just let me know! that is wrong . a Japanese producer said that she will come back in the 12 series {black and white}
walk with the pokewalker and keep joure wttage or send 10000W to youre ds then you unluck the hoenn fields at pokewalker there you can catch them
yes,you can
no, you have to earn them again
no the pokewalker can only be to one safe file. if you delete the file with a Pokemon in the poke walker then you would either have to keep the Pokemon in the pokewalker or delete the new Pokemon so you can link it up to the new game
You start the game and on the title screen with the stuff that says start game and new game you scroll down until you see connect to pokewalker. Get your pokewalker. Press the middle button and wait. There will be a smile on the screen. You have to have a Pokemon in Bills PC box. Choose your Pokemon and press OK. Pick up your pokewalker and press the middle button when the SHINY black part is facing the DS CARD. It's really annoying, but you have to keep your hand still. I always put them so they're touching. Be patient and you will get to use your pokewalker!
I don't know, but I doubt it. The Yellow Forest Pokewalker Route stopped being a Wi-fi Mystery Gift on May 5, 2010.
You don't "erase" them. In the main menu when you start up your game, before you choose Continue game, you select Pokewalker. Then you select Return Pokemon. It'll be in the next avalible spot in your PC. If you don't wish to keep this Pokemon, you may set it free while it's in the PC. You set it free by tapping the Pokemon with your stylus, and you select Release.
First of all, keep them the first Pokemon in your party. Never let it faint. Use potions on it, don't take it to the Pokemon center. Take it to the pokeathlon, and put it on the pokewalker every now and then (I suggest while it is on the pokewalker heal your other Pokemon at the Pokemon center. This will save you money buying potions for the other Pokemon).Hope I helped!you walk around with it and use it frequently in battle.( they will bond faster if they don't faint a lot).
LOL! There are no special ways to get rare Pokemon in the pokewalker, its all about LUCK (you can increase your chances of getting something good by walking a few thousand steps). Although, you wont get a Pokemon like Ho-Oh or Lugia or Kyogre or Groudon e.t.c because those are legendarys and its impossible to get them in a pokewalker. P.S. Bring it to school just don't get caught keep it in your pocket and make sure to turn the volume down so no one gets suspicious.
You can get more watts on the pokewalker by putting it in a big truck and just keep moving it. Tape it on it.
You will have to erase everything on your pokewalker if you are planning on starting a new game and using it on the new save (it should tell you how to delete pokewalker stuff in the pokewalker manual thing)
Its a devise that is like a pedometer (a thing that measures your steps). You can transfer Pokemon into it from the DS or DSi. This is how you would connect it: "Turn on your DS or DSi and start playing your game. Once the main screen appears, You look down until you find Connect with PokeWalker. Press that and it will ask you what Pokemon you would like to bring with you (a Pokemon has to be in your PC). Once you do that you choose then Route. You unlock routes by getting watts) Like for instance. You get the Route Yellow Forest. If you want that Route than click it and start to connect the PokeWalker. To connect it, you need to put the top of the PokeWalker (the side with the sensor) pointing towards the DS game. Keep the PokeWalker about 2 in. away from the game. Once that has happend, you can start your journey!" Hope I helped! 9tailedfox21