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There should be a fast forward button on the screen, click on that and your sim shall be going fast.

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Q: How can your sim on sims2 for the ds walk faster?
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If you're walking press the B button once, your sim will run instead of walk.

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A sim can't get kidnapped in the game in ps2, sims2. You have to be more specific, like which sims game and what game station ( ds, xbox, ps, etc.). So if ps2 sims2 wasn't what you were looking for, be more specific next time. Oh, and I would say " hope I helped" but wikianswers doesn't like me doing that just in case people want to add on. ;( Alwite, bye! No.

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no. the DS one is lame. i mean, yea i have it, but im not THAT crazy bout it

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I'm sorry to say you can't. Sorry!