Tell your sister if she keeps plying sims to much she will get distracted some time forget to eat or drink and die
You cant but you can tell them to leave, Or use the money cheat and dont send your sims to work.
You can tell them where to go, and they automatically get into their car and go there. BUT, no you cannot control the vehicles in the Sims 3
Squirt him with the water gun and watch him get mad! He will tell you you made a mistake but just ignore him. and there ya go, you beat the mole!
if you need the code for the game then you can go to the sims 3 website and they will tell you how to contact technical support.
no they cannot because the sims 3 is an entirally different game. Maybe they will make expansion packs but only time will tell.
If she is gullible tell her that you booby trapped all of you stuff, and only you know how to disarm them.
You cant but you can tell them to leave, Or use the money cheat and dont send your sims to work.
tell him to stop
tell an adult
Suggestion: Tell your mother you have a heck load of homework and a test tomorrow and its distracting....OR... Destroy her violin. Be careful not to leave evidence
tell your parent
Tell her you love her and ask her not to do what is upsetting you.
its usually because your sims are in a bad mood and dont feel like doing it. wait until they're in a better mood and then try again.
If you and your sister are close, talk to her about it. Tell her how important it is to you. She should understand.
all you do just slap their face and then slap your own face then tell your mom your sister did it and then tell your mom what did she did on fake hope this will work because mine did......
To tell you the truth, not just terriers but all dogs, they really NEVER EVER stop playing until they absolutly CAN'T.
if she bully's you she is showing off just tell her stop bullying and tell yourself in your heart walk away and then walk away