As of now, you can not tell if a wolf in Minecraft is a girl or a boy. There are some texture packs that do make wolves look like girls or boys though.
Minecraft is supposed to be genderless. A horse can be either a boy or a girl if you want it to.
The animals in Minecraft do not have genders. Any two individuals are a viable breeding pair.
You change your skin. go to to change your skin. For the record, minecraft characters are asexual and therefore have no gender.
You can tell a boy horse from a girl horse by checking it's genitals. Males have a penis, Females have a vagina.
As of now, you can not tell if a wolf in Minecraft is a girl or a boy. There are some texture packs that do make wolves look like girls or boys though.
Minecraft is supposed to be genderless. A horse can be either a boy or a girl if you want it to.
how do i tell if my my turtle is a girl or a boy?...
you cannot tell if the caterpillar is boy or girl
can you tell if a fish is a boy or girl by the tail
its harder for a boy to tell if a girl likes him
YOu can not tell the difference between a girl or boy starfish.
HES A BOY. too many people think hes a girl, but hes a boy.
are u talking about real life or minecraft? if ur talking about minecraft no way possible. and if ur talking about real life well if u see a boy private part its a boy if u see nothing its a girl. and if ur a kid ask ur parents. or if adult.. U SHOULD KNOW!
Minecraft is genderless. Your character is not officially a girl nor a boy, so just change your skin if you want to look like a girl.
by asking its mother if it is a girl or a boy and plus you can tell by the face
you can tell if its a girl or a boy byits butt or eyes. if its a girl, it will have small pupils. if itsa boy, it will have large pupils.