To sign into Club Penguin, you must go to and once your at the home page, you click on PLAY. Once you do, click on START or NEW PLAYER. If you click on START, you sign in your USERNAME and PASSWORD. If you clicked on NEW PLAYER, you can make a new penguin yourself. After you made your penguin and gave it a name ( DO NOT MAKE A ALREADY USED NAME.) , you must activate your acount by going to your email Inbox and clicking on activate acount and you will be back to the start screen in Club Penguin. You now can click start and type in you USERNAME and PASSWORD. Finally, you can click a server you want to play in, and get started. GOODLUCK!:) CHARLOTTE
its clubpenguin it is a fun multiplayer game that is educational
google clubpenguin cheats
I don't know when you put in the question but right now on clubpenguin theres a recycle party. go to the forest and there will be an arrow leading to a place other than the cove and the plaza. go to that place. near the mine shack there will be a sign that says free. go there and pick up a hat. after where nothing but the hat and dance. you will have the watering can. Hope this helps Stepheny1 ( that's my clubpenguin username)
i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!
i cant dress my puffules on clubpenguin
You can show the tour sign on clubpenguin by pressing the 'W' button.
So you get all your items and everything from the previous time you were on Clubpenguin.
First put ONLY your tour sign hat on. Then wave. Your holding the sign!
Push the "e" key then the "m" key.
You equip it by clicking on it from your inventory.
On the homepage there is a link that says sign up
How long you have been a member :)
Go to their site and sign up. It couldn't get easier than that.
its clubpenguin it is a fun multiplayer game that is educational
You do not need to sign in for a tour but is usually necesary to tell the guide you want one to have them know to start.
There is a Big S in the Disco sign. Its there.
you don't need a code you just click on the sign