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You must defeat the Team Rocket Grunts and Executives at the Radio Tower, and Petrel will give you a key to the locked door in the Goldenrod Tunnel, then navigate through the Tunnel, defeating Grunts along the way, until you finally find the Director at the bottom of the tunnel. He will thank you for finding him and ask you to save the Radio Tower. When you do, he will give you the Rainbow Wing in HeartGold, or the Silver Feather in SoulSilver. I hoped this helped you!

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Q: How can you save the director in radio tower in Pokemon HeartGold?
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it is impossible to reach the top of the radio tower in kanto or jhoto,sorry.

How do you save the radio tower in pokemon heartgold?

You cant, it gets nuked.

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you need to get team galactic out of there.

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You have to beat team galactic and then talk to the man that is out side of the radio tower.

Where is the radio tower in Kanto on Pokemon heartgold?

It is north east in lavender town

What do you do once you save the radio tower in Pokemon heartgold?

you can go to blackthorn city