Gastly should learn mean look at level 8. If you have caught yours at a higher lvl it should know it. If not you can hatch one at the daycare and raise it u.
Hope this helps :D
Is learns ir when is gastly at level 8. I'm trying yo make my level 52 Haunter to learn it but I don't know how. I already go to island two for the mushroom man but he only teach him lick, night shade, spite, conduse ray, shadow punch or destiny bond. No mean look as you see. If you need it rush, try hatching a gastly and grouw him up to lv. 8 he will learn mean look. Or try carching a Golbat. Hope it helps. Blessings
You can't use a stone on gastly to make it evolve it evolves at level 22.
No you cannot sorry
You can get gastly and haunter in lavender town. Trade a haunter to a friend to make it evolve into gengar.
Prob Go To The Island Where You Can Have To Pokemon In The Day Care; Not The One Where You Can Only Have One - - - Below Cereun City. Put In A Hitmonchan That Knows Ice Punch & A Gengar. You Should Have A Gastly With The EGG-MOVE Ice Punch.
Is learns ir when is gastly at level 8. I'm trying yo make my level 52 Haunter to learn it but I don't know how. I already go to island two for the mushroom man but he only teach him lick, night shade, spite, conduse ray, shadow punch or destiny bond. No mean look as you see. If you need it rush, try hatching a gastly and grouw him up to lv. 8 he will learn mean look. Or try carching a Golbat. Hope it helps. Blessings
You can't use a stone on gastly to make it evolve it evolves at level 22.
You go back to Ilex Forest and go to the dude that teaches Headbutt and make one of your Pokemon learn it again.
You don't need to get a gastly to evolve because you can catch haunters in Pokemon tower
look in a cookbook
Okay, you make no sense. Apricorns make Pokeballs dumbo. You can't get Celebi in Heartgold.
There are many places where one could learn how to make a paper fan. The best places to look in order to learn how to make a paper fan would be websites like WikiHow.
i think u can only obtain him by event. But there is an ActionReplay code to make him appear in the wild. Look up that code. Hope i helped!
You cant catch it. You can catch a gastly, raise it into a haunter. to make it a gengar, you have to trade it and trade it back
You can't.
You make them breed with Ditto.