You can breed Croconaw or Feraligtr with Ditto in the Pokemon Day Care.
The day care is between Ilex Forest and Goldenrod City. Put a Ditto and a Totodile, Croconaw, or a Feraligatyr in the daycare and they will have an egg
Yes you will
Yes, you can.
You can get it as a starter. If you aren't satisfied with one Totodile, capture a Ditto and stick them in the daycare center for a while, and get an egg. Ditto's are most commonly found on route 35. Hope i helped!
I heard that in was like 5125 or something like that in the 5100's
The day care is between Ilex Forest and Goldenrod City. Put a Ditto and a Totodile, Croconaw, or a Feraligatyr in the daycare and they will have an egg
Yes you will
Yes, you can.
Yes, Feraligatr can breed and lay an Egg with a Ditto however it'll be a Totodile Egg.
I can. But only for a deoxys or darkrai. I can make it hold a lucky egg or a masterball. leave date time and friend code on discussion page.
Yes, if you have a male and a female totodile in the daycare at the same time and walk for awhile. If you only have one totodile, a ditto works too.
There may be an action replay code, but I'm not sure. And, you can always trade from another game. Oh, and if they don't want to loose their totodile, put it and a ditto in daycare, and when you get an egg, hatch it. And it should be a totodile, and you can trade that one. Problem solved!
make totodile keep on using water gun and make eevee's moves are to be linked
You can get it as a starter. If you aren't satisfied with one Totodile, capture a Ditto and stick them in the daycare center for a while, and get an egg. Ditto's are most commonly found on route 35. Hope i helped!
I heard that in was like 5125 or something like that in the 5100's
You'll need either a Totodile, Croconaw, or a Feraligatr. If you decide to breed it with a Ditto (which can be found on Route 34), it does not matter what gender Totodile, Croconaw, or Feraligatr are. But if you decide to not use Ditto, then Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr will need to be female. (if you want your Totodile to learn a certain move that it only learns through breeding, then it must be female, while the father knows the move.) Some pokemon that Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr can breed with are: slowpoke mareep loudred kangaskhan poliwag Marill wooper after you're set with your two pokemon, leave them in the day-care (route 34) for a while. (a pokemon can forget moves while in the day-care if left long enough). a totodile egg will hatch after a minimum of 5,355 steps have been taken.
I don't think you can get Totodile in Firered