the move deleter is in canalave city in a house below the pkmn center
there is a HM deleter in pastoria or in jubilife or in heatrome.
you go to the guy in cancave city in the house
at canalave city there is a move deleter he is an old man
talk to the move deleter
fly is an HM and no Pokemon can forget an HM.
whirlpool is not classified as a HM in that Pokemon series, only in heartgold/soulsilver is it a HM, in diamond it is only a simple TM (1use)
you go to the guy in cancave city in the house
There is a move deleter who can make pokemon forget HM moves.
at canalave city there is a move deleter he is an old man
Pokemon cant forget hm thay can only forget TM
take the Pokemon to a guy in lilycove city and he makes them forget
Pokemon cannot forget HM's unless they're in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. But, if its from Emerald, add another Pokemon to your party that knows surf and ask the move deleter.
The HM dive cannot be acquired in Pokemon diamond.
talk to the move deleter
fly is an HM and no Pokemon can forget an HM.
Go to the Move Deleter in Canalaeve City. He will make your Pokemon forget any moves and is the only way to forget HM moves. If you want a move back (not including TMs/Hms) go to the Move Relearner in Pastoria City with a Heart Scale, which can be found underground.
move deleter in lilycve (end of game)
call me at 786 278 0761 and i will tell you.i work at game stop and alot of people ask me the same question.