It's pretty simple, but you need three or more high-leveled players. Then just keep attacking. As far as I know it's impossible with two players or one player.
Get a team of adventurers and just kill that dragon.
Just kill monsters on aqworlds
na arcara a aranha de fearie forest
kill the undead giant to get the undead commander sword
Take at LEAST 2 healers then o couple of warriors.mage.rustbusket.or enforcer.AND NINJA
Richard Joseph Arcara was born in 1940.
The Horcs has them Kill them.
kill them!
Get a team of adventurers and just kill that dragon.
kill grumble in the sewer
kill him
kill the kuro from the river :D
kill twistedtooth and hope for the best
Get some friends and kill it
you shall kill 16 items you shall kill 16 items
kill the fire mage in portalundead
To beat Valencia's Wednesday quest on AQWorlds, you kill Cyclops Warlord in Mobius and in Faerie Forest