

Best Answer didn't bother reading the bike manual in the store, did you? It's simple. just press b and the d-pad at the same time. press the d-pad in the direction you want to jump.

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Q: How can you jump with the acro bike in Route 119?
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How do you get passed the white lanes in route 119 in emerald?

Use the Acro bike to get across when there is a gap in the lane do a sideways bike jump to get across.

How do you walk on the thin bridge on route 119 in pokemaon emerald?

Use the Acro bike when there's a gap in the bridge do a sideways bike jump to get across.

How do you jump sideways on the acro bike in ruby?

First, you must face the direction perpendicular to the direction you wish to jump. Then, simply press the direction you desire and the B button at the same time and your bike will jump to the side. This is only useful for the rails in the game, which are found only on Route 119 and within the Safari Zone.

How do you cross the river in Pokemon emerald on route 119?

If you have a mach bike, go to mauville to change to an acro bike. when the road is straight, just ride in that direction. when the road stops, press B + the direction you have to turn together to jump to the next pipe.

How do you go up those bumps like the ones in the desert route 119 and safari zone in Pokemon Ruby?

if you are talking about that ramps , use the mach bike , gain some speed and you can climb it up , if you are talking about the mini rocks , you use the acro bike and jump them.

In ruby can you get by the white bridges that are broken?

You can cross such bridges by using a acro bike which you get in Mauville city ( mach bikes dont work) Use acro bike and go on them, then use the button B + the direction u want to jump from the D-pad to jump from one broken part to another there u are!! Such broken bridges are found just below fortree city near the weather institute on route 119. go on them and you may find a rare candy or calcium! BY ROHAN

Which is the best bike in Pokemon Ruby?

The bike that is most often going to be used in the game is the Mach Bike. I'd recommend starting with this bike first, butlLater on in the game, you can obtain both bikes by talking to certain people. Here are their locations when you need them later:The Bird Keeper in Route 119. An Acro Bike is required to reach him.The Hex Maniac in Route 111. Talk to them with the Mach Bike in your inventory.The triathlete in the Battle Resort. (Completing the Delta Episode is required to get this location.) You can show him either the Mach Bike or Acro Bike.After you talk to these three, talk to the shopkeeper of the Bicycle Shop and he'll give you the other bike for free.

How do you get past the bridge up the water fall on route 119 in Pokemon emerald?

first you fly to Fortree City and then you go down to the river then use surf.After doing that go near the waterfall then use the hm waterfall then you will use an acro bike.And then you will see a broken brige use the bike to get pass there and press b and up at the same time and you will be out there in no time.

Pokemon emerald how to get to route 119?

mauvile city ---> [surf] to route 118 ---> go up to route 119

Where do you get febas in emerald?

Route 119.

Where to find the weather guy in Pokemon emerald?

The weatherman is in Route 119. He is inside the weather institute west of the bridge in Route 119.

Where can you get feebas?

you can get feebas near route 119.