

Best Answer

After getting surf, go to pallet down (your home town), and surf all the way down.

you'll get there.

this person is wrong that will take you to cinnbar island you want to go to cianwood city this is what you have to do:get surf then surf from olivine city andpast the whirl winds and You will be there

The 2nd person is wrong you have to Cianwood first before you go to Olivine city

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Q: How can you go to cianwood city in Pokemon crystal?
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How do you get to Cianwood City in Pokemon Crystal?

you can't get to cianwood by going past the guy in the area past olivine city near all the bobbers, so you have to go to the left edge of town and surf downwards to cianwood. :) *_* :>)

How do you get to cianwood city Pokemon Crystal?

you can't get to cianwood by going past the guy in the area past olivine city near all the bobbers, so you have to go to the left edge of town and surf downwards to cianwood. :) *_* :>)

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It's in Cianwood City. You have to go to Olivine, then surf & cross the sea to reach it.

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You can find the medicine in Cianwood city, the city across the sea. Talk to Jasmine at the top of the lighthouse, and go to the house at the bottom of Cianwood city and talk to the guy. He will give you the secret medicine.

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You have to go into the Cianwood City and after you defeat the gym leader in Cianwood someone gives it to you.

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you go to cianwood city and go into the house to the left of the pokemon center

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Go to the gym in Cianwood City, the city to the far left of the Johto map. Juat outside the gym there is a lady. She is the gym leader's wife. She gives you Fly.

Where do you get the medicine for ampharos in the lighthouse in Olivine City in Pokemon soulsliver verison?

You have to get surf, then surf to cianwood. It'll be in the cianwood pharmacy.

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You go to the Pharmacy in Cianwood city. Cianwood city is on the other side of the sea, so it takes a few minutes to get there.

Where do you go after you defeat Cianwood City Gym in Pokemon HeartGold?

you go back to olivine