You can attempt to make a female sim pregnant by having two sims (one male and one female) relaxing on the bed and then selecting "Try for Baby." If successful, you should hear a tone after they are done making woohoo.
On The Sims 3 you can make your Sim pregnant by makeing them a adult or young adult then change her back to a teenager and still have the baby.
no, only young adults +
No teenager on Sims can be PREGNANT. unless you have a cheat, but they cant!
you can you download inteenimator it will work
There is no cheat in Sims 3 to get your teen pregnant but if you enter the cheat in testingcheatsenabled true you can right click on your sim and then you click trigger age transition and then get your sims pregnant once your sim has delivered the baby right click on your sim again and click edit my sim and then you can make it a teenager again and your sim will still have the baby and that is how you can have a baby when you are a teenager
Can't, unfortunately
no, only young adults +
No teenager on Sims can be PREGNANT. unless you have a cheat, but they cant!
well you cant cause the teen is too little
you cant get pregnet when your a teenager
I am not sure if they can, but if they have a chance of getting pregnant, put both teenager sims on the bed, relaxing! And have them try for a baby, well done.
None of them.
Not without a cheat. I think it's called the Inteenimator or something...
you can you download inteenimator it will work
teenagers cant woohoo
you need a cheat code
You need to have Inteen installed.