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To get the deep tooth scale or tooth go to the abadoned ship and dive after you solve the little puzzle then dive down and get the scanner and go to Captain stern he will ask for the scanner the scanner is worthless so choose which item you want Deep sea tooth= Huntail Deep sea scale= Gorebyss when you attach it to a clamperl and traade them.

There is another method,and that allows you to get both,and that is to use GameShark

The steps...
1.Go to YouTube and type this in the search box,Pokemon Emerald-ALL ITEM on sale!!! (you can just copy and paste from here.The user is smarkoh)

2.Go click on (more info) at the description and the cheat is available there.

3.Pls rate and comment.

***The cheat is for ALL(most) of the items and it only works for emerald

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Q: How can you get the deep sea scale in Pokemon Emerald?
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What does a deep tooth and a deep scale do in Pokemon emerald?

The Deep Sea Tooth and the Deep Sea Scale are both used to evolve Clamperl into either a) Huntail or b) Gorebyss. - Badminton

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You can get a choice between a DEEP SEA SCALE or a DEEP SEA TOOTH from Cap. Stern after the Scanner event.Wild Pokemon sometimes carry them too (rare) (NOTE: ONLY IN DIAMOND AND PEARL.)Deep Sea Scale : Clamperl, Chinchou, Relicanth.Deep Sea Tooth : Carvanha, Sharpedo.

What do you get from the scientist when you give him the scanner in Pokemon emerald?

You get an option of either the Deep Sea Tooth or the Deep Sea Scale. Both items evolve Clamperl when it's holding 1 and it's traded to another player. Deep Sea Tooth evolves it into Huntail while Deep Sea Scale evolves it into Gorebyss.

What is better deep sea tooth or deep sea scale in Pokemon ruby?

When you trade Clamperl with the deep sea scale you get Gorebyss with the deep sea tooth you get Huntail.

How do you get a deep sea scale and a deep sea tooth in Pokemon black and white?

You can find the Deep Sea Scale and the Deep Sea Tooth on Routes 13 and 17.

What does the dragon scale do in Pokemon emerald?

if u give it to seadra (the sea hourse pokemon) and trade it it will evolve

Where can you get a deep sea scale in Pokemon sapphire version?

You get it when you find the scanner on the abandoned ship and he will trade you a deep sea scale or a deep sea tooth the scale evolves clampearl or seadra into kingdra or gorebis via trade and the tooth evolves clampearl into huntail

How do you evolve Clamperl in Pokemon Ruby?

To evolve it, you have to give it a Deep Sea Tooth (Huntail) or a Deep Sea Scale (Gorebyss) and trade it.

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Where do you see a Huntail in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't. You have to give a Deep Sea Tooth to a Clamperl and then trade it.